One of the causes is traced to the liver. In most cases the problems cannot be treated until the liver is functioning correctly.
The vital role of diet and vitamin therapy in preventing and curing mental illness. The deficiencies that cause neurosis and psychosis. may not be "all in your head!" Here is last...and practical advice....for everyone suffering from "mental illness," especially ailments diagnosed as incurable. Incontrovertible scientific proof that many mental and emotional disorders are linked with nutritional deficiencies...which can be corrected!
Orthomolecular medicine is the practice of using vitamins and minerals in the proper proportions in order to induce the body to return to normal. Biochemically. The human body becomes imbalanced..biochemically..and by the proper introduction of the proper nutrition this condition is alleviated. This imbalance is proven...the causes...are not.
A generally accepted fact is "some sort of metabolic disorder" in a great many of our medical maladies. Metabolic disorders are generally controlled by the liver. The liver malfunctions under toxic conditions. Mineral toxicity has definate defined results or 'symptoms'.
What is found by the orthomolecular practitioner to be exciting is something less than that for his peers in the establishment. Orthodox psychiatry is resisting acceptance of this breakthrough, and actually attempting to obstruct the research.
One senses a grimness in the battle, as though the therapists consider the new approach as a threat to the very survival of the conversation - and - calmative - drugs therapies.
On no other grounds could one explain the attempt at the orthodoxy in psychiatry to make these innovative and frequently effective treatments illegal, which is precisely what they propose.
The mechanism they employ was created originally to protect the public from incompetent practitioners. It is the peer review concept, in which a group of physicians police their own profession, reviewing methodology, sitting in judgment on the propriety of the therapeutic techniques of treatment employed by physicians and psychiatrists.
The first step was the setting up of a peer review committee standard for 'acceptable' psychiatric practice, defined as the use of major and minor tranquilizers and antidepressants, electric convulsive therapy, insulin shock, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, group therapy, psychodrama, sociodrama, operant conditioning, primal therapy, conditional reflex therapy.
You will notice that nowhere in the list does the term "diet" or "nutrition" or "mega-vitamin therapy" occur, and that ommission is deliberate and has far reaching effects.
The committee failed to contain anyone who was familiar by personal experience with orthomolecular therapy. The committee offered insufficient assurance of objectivity or fairness. Its members did not obtain any evidence from anyone using orthomolecular treatment methods; they accepted double-blind studies only if the study evidence was negative and ignored studies that were positive; the members made false statements, direct and by inference; they took brief sentences out of context from the literature and used them to bolster the committee's preconceived negative view.
The committee on orthomolecular and megavitamin therapy seemed to look for data in such a way as to support the conclusion they wanted to reach in advance.
Scientific dishonesty is a serious matter,especially in this case, to the hundreds of thousands - even millions - of people who will be deprived of a chance to recover from disease with orthomolecular medicine.
It will condemn vast numbers of people to a lifetime of chronicity or health problems labled as psychosomatic or to quite obvious physical symptoms attributed to no known cause and with no known cure.
When a technique is not on the 'list' then it does not come under the heading of 'orthodox' techniques. When it is not an 'orthodox' technique it is not paid for by medical or insurance plans. Also 'unorthodox' techniques can also bring down the 'powers that be' resulting in much time and money lost to lawyers and arguements.
The interesting, if unbelievable, aspect of this charade, other than its obvious effect in crucifying physicians who opt for helpful, harmless nutritional therapies to replace temporary benefit and risky side effects from powerful drugs, is the fact that your insurance company will dutifully pay all claims for orthodox treatment that doesn't help you but not for therapy that does.
Physicians should remember...they try the new (if harmless) when all the older methods have failed!
I must make it clear that some physicians and psychiatrists who refuse to try nutritional therapies are simply practicing defensive medicine. They fear malpractice suits, and they don't want to risk censure of their peers and their peer review committee. One might wish they had more courage, but anyone familiar with the pressure which can be exerted on mavericks by the medical establishment can at least understand their reluctance to invite it.
I can tell you that every effort is being made to persuade physicians to remember that this is not a war in which all truth is on one side. It is, rather, the classical confrontation in the arena of science, on the basis of which most progress is made.
My quarrel is not with a profession but with the closed minds in a profession which should be open and receptive. I admire the professional who recognizes possible errors in the concepts behind patterning for the brain-injured, but also recognizes the value of the technique. I deplore the psychiatrist who has never tested orthomolecular psychiatry, but knows it won't work, or warns about dangers which have never been demonstrated. As for those who warn of undescribed dangers of the biochemical-nutritional approach, don't be afraid to test the intellectual honesty of these prophets of an undefined doom. Just ask them for a description of the known side-reactions which worry them. Also, at the same time, request a list of the psychotropic drugs they dispense with so fine a "careless rapture," and their known side reactions.
How does the psychiatric establishment manage to dispose of the thousands of patient histories? By calling research uncontrolled, which is scientifically unjustified. The patient is the control. If the patient fails to respond to other therapies and then responds to orthomolecular therapy they say it is "the placebo effect". To which the obvious reply is: where was the placebo effect when she was plied with drugs and tranquilizers, shocked electrically and with insulin, and made the target for hundreds of hours of psychiatric consultation, conversation, analysis and probing?
The orthomolecular practitioner, dedicated to the use of the right molecules, may have to search for the wrong ones by testing for allergies of the type which have impacts on the brain and nervous system, for such neuroallergies are potent sources or intensifiers of the symptoms of neurosis and psychosis.
The testing of neuroallergies doesn't rest on the familiar scratch and patch test, reactions to which tend to be localized. They are based more upon your subjective reaction when a solution of the food is dropped under your tongue, where the rich vascular (blood vessel) network will carry it swiftly into the body
You may with justice decide that tests for allergy are an important part of the investigation of the wrong molecules in your system.
One of the facts is this: troubled children are casualties of disorders which frequently are biochemical, disturbances which, completely treated with appropriate orthomolecular therapies, can in some cases be harmlessly controlled; in some, completely arrested; in others, cured. There are failures, of course, outnumbered by the successes by a wide margin. Delay in applying such treatment could be the crucial factor in permanently crippling the child, for it is early orthomolecular therapy that yields the best results. Drug therapy is a dangerous kind of cover, a mask under which the real child struggles to find his identity, through which he tries to perceive the real world. Nutritional therapies are orthomolecular - the right molecule; drugs are malmoleculear - the wrong molecule.
HOME A substantial body of evidence has accumulated to show that mentally sick children and adults do, in fact, frequently suffer from markedly abnormal metabolism of such essential nutrients as vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids.
Yale had described nine different diseases which are the result of vitamin dependency, a condition in which the vitamin requirement soars until the gene-dictated requirement far exceeds the supply offered by any conceivable diet. Of these nine disorders, five are responsive to Vitamin B6.The thesis that high levels of certain vitamin and minerals might overcome the metabolic derangements characteristic of many forms of mental illness is supported by many including Linus Pauling.
Beginning with the revolutionary discovery that vitamin/mineral therapy can control symptoms of schizophrenia, patients who showed no sign of improvement through conventional therapy. In many instances these patients were restored to normal, productive lives through the therapeutic use of vitamins and proper diet.
Nutritional programs show success in treating children with learning disabilities and those suffering from hyperactivity. Patients clinically diagnosed as neurotic,who for years were immobilized by acute anxiety or depression, experienced a complete and continued cure when placed on a special diet supplemented by vitamins and minerals.
This vitally important medical breakthrough and its implications offer HOPE - hope for quick, inexpensive, effective treatment - in place of fear, guilt, and resignation. For everyone exposed to the ravages of mental illness in his own life or in the lives of family and friends.
There are people and societies who form the advance guard - in science, always the target for severe and often irrational hostility - in the battle against the molecules of madness.
Whether the psychosis is gene-dictated, or the price of intolerable strain, or the direct result of a derangement of the exquisitely concatenated chemistries of the brain and nervous system, in the end, the mental sickness is a molecular disease, or it is not a disease at all.
There is quite the resistence in the profession to the concept that mental disorder is a reflection of biochemical chaos - a concept explicit in 'orthomolecular' - "the right molecule" therapies.
It often offers a new level of hope from a new kind of help for the psychotic, the neurotic, the brain-damaged, the autistic, the retarded, and the slow learner.
So it is that 'psycho-nutrition' is more than a new approach to problems of the neurotic, the schizophrenic, the alcoholic, and the withdrawn, hyperactive, autistic, slow learner, or minimally brain-damaged, for - excitingly - it also extends to normal children and adults a means, too long neglected, of reaching potentials they never knew they had.
It was at fifteen she had her first encounter with an orthomolecular psychiatrist. The term means "the right molecules." It reflects a concept in psychology which is not new - Freud himself thought that the chemistry of the brain is disturbed in the "mental" disorders - but one which only recently has been accepted and applied effectively by a growing number of practitioners. Biochemical examination of the girl revealed inadequate production of three enzymes critical to the normal chemistry of the brain. One of these enzymes depends upon a vitamin, the other two on "trace" minerals, so called because the quantities ordinarily needed by the body are minute.
Generous doses of these nutrients were given. The convulsions stopped, the amnesia disappeared, and she returned to the world of reality, minus her depression and her delusions of persecution. She is normal, and will remain so, as long as she takes her daily ration of the critical vitamin and the two trace minerals.
Yet orthodox psychiatrists, in an effort to reject the orthomolecular concept point to studies done in which one single vitamin or mineral is administered to mass mental institution populations.
In the blood of a large percentage of schizophrenics there appears a foriegn chemical, originally called "the mauve [pink] spot." Injections of the factor into the blood stream of normal individuals - in one case, a psychiatrist - were followed by symptoms of schizophreinia. Fascinatingly, injections of the blood of human schizophrenics into spiders cause them to spin an abnormal and asymetrical web, inevitably reminiscent of the distortions which are seen in the art work of human schizophrenics.
Disturbances of the body and its chemistry can warp thinking and distort emotions and derange perceptions.
"They ought to stand behind my counter for a few months," the pharmacist suggested. "They'd change their minds. When the prescriptions for megadoses of vitamins first started to come in, I kept an open mind - I just watched what happened. The patients at first came in with friends or relatives, who waited for the prescriptions to be filled. I had to learn to be patient with emotionally disturbed kids, and not to get upset with the withdrawn ones whose minds seemed to be turned off, or in another world. The older ones either talked continuously, or they didn't respond at all when I tried to communicate with them. Some of them, of course, acted and talked normal, but some couldn't stand still - they wandered around the store. Sometimes their eyes looked unfocussed, or were too bright or glassy, as if the kids were on hard drugs - which, I suppose, some of them might have been. Usually, most of them were dirty, with their hair wild, and some looked as if they hadn't bathed in months. For the first few refills, the parent or the friend would come back alone, and then the patients began to drift in, by themselves. They were cleaned up or cleaning up, and talking cheerfully, and telling me their stories. There were too many to remember, but there's one kid, a teenage girl, I'll never forget. She'd been severly schizophrenic, and had a history of three or four attempts at suicide, and she'd been violent. She called me long-distance from Mexico City. She told me that I was the only person, other than her psychiatrist, who knew her history, and she just had to tell me - or someone - how good it feels to feel good."
One of the first clues came during the second world war when a group of schizophrenics in Greece, when deprived of bread due to a shortage, became a bit better.
None of these statements will carry the dramatic impact of watching the process at work - seeing a quiet, normal patient turned into a depressed, suicidal, or violent psychotic after a test is done (under the tongue) of a food to which he is allergic - and the equal impact of reversal of the entire process by intravenous injections of Vitamin C and Vitamin B6.
I observed in scanning the medical records of children in a home for "juvenile deliquents" that more than 60 percent of them had numerous and severe allergies, an incidence higher than one would anticipate in a similar group of average children.
Studies of hundreds of patients with neurotic or psychotic behavior have now been made by allergists and psychiatrists, covering many diagnostic categories, and clearly indicating that a large percentage of troubled adults and children owe some - and not infrequently, a large majority - of their symptoms to allergy. An authority in the field found 92 percent of the schizophrenics to show evidence of cerebral allergy. The most frequent of the offending foods were the grasses - wheat, rye, oats, and barley - and the most common symptom was delusions of persecution. A study of children with behavioral or learning problems showed 80 percent to be allergic to corn. Children with dyslexia (problems in reading) were similarily affected. The same was found true of hyperactive children, who prove routinely allergic, usually to one or more of the cereal grains, or milk, or both.
I have seen two days of hyperactivity set off by a single cola drink. A single doughnut set one child off on a three day episode of hyperactivity.
The number of orthomolecular psychiatrists is growing, but not as fast as the number of prescriptions for tranquilizers, psychic energizers, antidepressants, and sleeping pills written by medical men who have neither backgrounds nor interest in nutrition, neurological allergy, orthomolecular psychiatry or hypoglycemia.
The single most serious universal problem reported was the difficulty parents experience in finding physicians willing to cooperate in supervising the administration of the vitamins to the young patients. Well has it been said, "we are down on what we are not up on."
Anemia responsive only to Vitamin B6 is present in many patients.
One case study is shown in these crisp terms:
A case of nutrient deficiency in which vitamins, specifically B6 and the trace minerals, manganese and zinc were inadequate for the developement of normal knee joints and normal brain function. The deficiency at its peak, was severe enough to cause prolonged psychosis, atypical seizures, arthritis, amenorrhea (absence of the menstrual cycle), constipation and splenic pain.
Even so minor a factor as inadequate oxidation (burning) of starches and sugars in the body may cause you 'mental illness.' Even a change in the bacterial population of the lower bowel can touch off clearly "emotional" symptoms, including confusion and depression.
Physical symptoms may result, too, and may be severe, including headaches, dizziness, sleepiness, insomnia, changes in the heart rate (up and down), indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, tension, weakness, elevation or lowering of blood pressure, hives, psoriasis, and colitis. In children, untreated allergy may contribute to marked learning difficulties, convulsive disorders, susceptibility to respiratory infections, irritability, and constant fatigue.
The liver is the largest solid organ of the body and weighs about four pounds. It is an incomparable chemical plant. It can modify almost any chemical structure. It is a powerful detoxifying organ, breaking down a variety of toxic molecules and rendering them harmless. It is also a blood reservoir and a storage organ for vitamins such as A and D and for digested carbohydrate (glycogen), which is released to sustain blood sugar levels. It manufactures enzymes, cholesterol, proteins, vitamin A (from carotene), and blood coagulation factors.
Known causes of liver malfunction:
Some type of toxic substance is present
Heavy metal intoxication will produce hyperactivity in children, the schizophrenic syndrome in adults, and probably some cases of senility. Treatment requires removal of the metal by the use of chelating agents. 'Chelates' are substances that combine with toxic minerals and allow their elimination in the urine. Ascorbic acid (C) has chelating properties. Fascinating fact is Vitamin C actually allows the body to effectively absorb more of the Heme Iron ( blood based ) but not the same effect on plant or organic iron based nutrient. The best source of action is to avoid contamination by these toxic metals. Unfortunately, the average person is not aware of the dangers of these common substances and has no idea how to avoid them. Treatment of trace element toxicity lies in the province of orthomolecular medicine through use of orthomolecular nutrition.
It should be recognized when the body is sick it is sick throughout.A human being is a unit, an integrated organism in which no part functions independently. Abnormal structure or function in one part of the body creates unfavorable changes in other areas.Therefore, the organism is involved as a whole. Invariably involved components consist of the emotional, psychological, physiological, and spiritual influences on illness and health. The entire organism mounts the attack against disorder - not just the body, and certainly not just a part of the body. All systems work cojointly to counteract a condition. Recovery comes only when the whole person returns to his normal and harmonious balance.
You have a right to know about not only this startling developement, but also any other which you can use to improve or maintain your own health. This, therefore, is dedicated to your right to know about and choose health alternatives. This inherent right to exchange ideas belongs to all human beings, and cannot morally be denied by any agency or governing body.
This is the name of a technique of 'nutritional supplementation to assist the body to clear plaque and debris from the circulatory system'. This is a NATURAL process of detoxification.
It has sometimes been referred to as "oral chelation" [pronounced - key-lay-shun]. This process does not attach itself to or eliminate calcium, as does the E.D.T.A method. Vascular cleansing accomplishes a similar result to chelation therapy, but in a different, totally natural way.
In order for a nutritional supplement to be able to help in vascular cleansing, it has to provide a broad spectrum of specific nutrients in a unique, carefully formulated blend. Taking fragmented supplements just won't work. All of the factors in the nutritional "chain" must be there, in sufficient amounts. Weak or missing "links" may render the whole program ineffective.
The vascular cleansing formula must contain specific nutritional support to help the body (a) dissolve the fatty part of the plaque on the artery wall, (b) strengthen its processes, (c) keep the blood fats in solution so that they do not "clump up" downstream, (d) keep the blood "slippery" so that it flows past obstructions (e) dilate or enlarge blood vessels, (f) neutralize and destroy free radicals, (g) produce antioxidants to protect cellular membranes, (h) develop collateral circulation around blocked areas, (i) lower blood cholesterol and trygliceride levels, and (j) remove heavy metals
Some of the key nutrients in this regard are the following:
Vitamin A. Stimulates the thymus to grow in size, thus allowing more antibody production. Increases utilization of selenium (one of the bodies most powerful antioxidents).Protects epithelial cells and mucous membranes.
Vitamin B-1. Fascilitates the removal of lead. Required for the health of the heart tissue.
Niacin. Helps to dilate or enlarge blood vessels. Helps the body to eliminate excess cholesterol.
Pantothenic acid. Necessary for the adequate production of healthy antibodies.
Vitamin B-6. Helps prevent methionine (an amino acid common in our diet) from breaking down into homocysteine, a toxic substance which can damage artery walls.
Choline. Emulsifies fats, keeping them in solution in the blood, preventing them from building up on the artery walls. Keeps blood fats from sticking together.
Inositol. A general relaxant.
Vitamin C. An antioxidant. A chelating agent. Protects against heavy metals, such as lead or arsenic, and keeps them in solution so that they can be eliminated via the urine. Helps stimulate the production of L.P.L (lipoprotein lipase), the the enzyme which dissolves fats on the artery walls.
Vitamin E. An antioxidant. Protects against free radicals, such as superoxides, hydroxyl radicals, peroxides and hydroperoxides. Dissolves clots in the bloodstream and helps to prevent their formation. A factor in helping the body to develop collateral circulation.
Magnesium. Helps to keep calcium in solution. Helps to regulate the heartbeat. Helps to counteract aluminum buildup in the body.
Potassium. Helps to normalize blood pressure. Helps to regulate heart rhythm.
Zinc. A free radical inhibitor. Helps the body to utilize vitamin A
Selenium. 200 to 500 times more powerful than vitamin E as an antioxidant. The body incorporates it into glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme which detoxifies hydrogen peroxide and fatty acid peroxides. Synergistic with vitamin E in inhibiting and preventing damage to tissues by free radicals. Counteracts mercury buildup in the body. Helps to normalize blood pressure.
Cysteine Hydrochloride. A chelating agent. A free radical scavenger. Terminates free radicals produced by ionizing radiation. Assists in excretion of lead from the tissues.
Methionine. A chelating agent. A free radical scavenger. An amino acid which helps to detoxify the body and emulisify fats, in similar fashion to choline.
Thymus substance. Enhances thymus function to help overcome free radical activity.
The above is only a partial list of the nutrients necessary to a successful vascular cleansing formula. As you can see, there is no one "miracle" ingredient which does the trick. It is the synergistic total of all working together and supporting each other.
The daily intake of each supplementary nutrient necessary to produce the vascular cleansing response is the following:
In Canada the medical cartel has a monopoly on prescribing large amounts of vitamin A. It is not legal to sell a product whose suggested daily intake of vitamin A is more than 10,000 I.U without a prescription. You, however, are totally free to take as many tablets or as much vitamin A as you wish, to accomplish your goals, without a prescription. (In the US and other free countries there are no nonprescriptive limits on Vitamin A.
To show you how ridiculously low an intake of 10,000 I.U of vitamin A is, that is roughly the amount found in 2/3 oz of fried beef liver or 10 oz carrots. You could easily consume over the recommended doctor's prescription of 10,000 I.U by simply eating a liver and carrot dinner which would give approximately 100,000 I.U of vitamin A. TEN TIMES the recommended allowance set by doctors.
At a Preventive Medicine and Nutrition Centre a group of 30 men and women, averaging 62 years of age, were given thermographic and plethysmographic tests of their hands and feet. These are simple, non invasive, heat and blood pressure tests. They were then instructed to go on the vascular cleansing program for a period of 5 weeks, at which the tests were repeated. The following are the average results for the group:
Increased Pulse Volume - Hands 40% - Feet 50%
Increased Vascularity - Hands 70% - Feet 86%
Increased Flexibility of Arteries 47%
Cardiovasular disorders are chronic and take a long time in developing. To see such a high degree of response as the above in only 5 weeks is most significant.
A. We have been unable to determine any contradiction because of the medication, with the exception of tetracycline (an antibiotic), which should not be taken within 2 hours of the vascular cleansing formula, simply because they tend to cancel each other. If you have any further question, it would be wise to discuss it with your physician or pharmacist.
Q. How long will it take to feel any results?
A. We are all different. Some people feel better within one week, but most find some results within four weeks.
Q. How long is it best to take the vascular cleansing formula?
A. The most dramatic arterial cleansing takes about one month for every 10 years of age. In other words, a person aged 40 would experience the most benefit after 4 months of continuous use. Since the vascular cleansing formula is such a complete food supplement, however, many people prefer to use it as a total maintenance program for the rest of their lives.
Q. Does the vascular cleansing formula "chelate" the calcium embedded in the wall of the blood vessel and remove it?
A. Technically, no. This formula is intended to help normalize body chemistry in such a way that plaque deposits are removed by a "detergent" action which dissolves the fat on the artery wall. There are safe "chelating" agents in the formula, but their action is primarily directed to the heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, aluminum, etc.
Q. Are there side effects to the vascular cleansing formula?
A. Some 5% of users may temporarily experience headaches, nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, fatigue or intestinal gas. These changes occur because of beneficial changes in the intestinal flora and the release of debris into the bloodstream. Relief usually comes within 5 to 10 days or so. Such symptoms are evidence that a cleansing process is taking place and usually occurs in those who need this kind of nutritional support the most.
Q. When is the best time to take the vascular cleansing formula?
A. In divided amounts, immediately after meals, especially those containing some protein. For optimum benefits, do not take on an empty stomach.
Q. Won't all the vitamin A in the vascular cleansing formula make me toxic?
A. There are only a handful of documented cases of harm caused by taking too much vitamin A. In all of these cases, massive levels (in excess of 500,000 I.U) were taken over prolonged periods before toxicity developed. In all cases, any damage done was temporary and reversible.
Now to put these tips together into a workable daily meal plan. The suggested menu gives you the foundation for a balanced low-fat, low-iron diet; it is up to you to adapt it to your tastes.
With a few important differences, the Iron menu is very similar to that recommended by the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and other organizations. It is low in fat, cholesterol, and calories, and it is high in fiber. The important differences make the Iron menu low on iron: It is estimated that the daily iron intake would be in the range of 5 to 10 milligrams, far short of the excessive US RDA for iron of 18 milligrams. It you stick to this menu or one similar to it, you should be able to lower your iron and cholesterol levels and perhaps even lose some weight.
The main features of the suggested menu are:
At least one serving of phytate-rich whole grains or legumes at every meal to minimize iron absorption
Citrus fruit or juice as between-meal snacks to minimize iron absorption while still supplying ample vitamin C.
Optional tea or coffee to minimize iron absorption
No alcohol, or not more than three drinks per week
Plenty of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat or nonfat dairy products to round out your balanced diet.
Once your body's chemistry is balanced as long as your diet is healthy your liver should recover and possibly even improve. Liver transplant candidates with hepatitis involvement have been known to not require surgery after an orthomolecular physician has cleansed and balanced the body.
By-pass surgery has been avoided by the vascular cleansing formula alone.
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