(HOME) Subject: B 6/pyridoxal/epilepsy

   Pediatr Neurol 2000 Sep;23(3):202-6
Long-term follow-up of vitamin B(6)-responsive west syndrome.

    Ohtsuka Y, Ogino T, Asano T, Hattori J, Ohta H, Oka E
   Department of Child Neurology; Okayama University Medical School;,
   Okayama, Japan.
   [Medline record in process]
   We performed a clinical and electroencephalographic follow-up study on
   25 patients with West syndrome that was responsive to vitamin B(6)
   (eight cryptogenic patients and 17 symptomatic patients) who were
   older than 3 years at the last follow-up. All cryptogenic patients and
   13 symptomatic patients were seizure free at the last follow-up. All
   cryptogenic patients and seven symptomatic patients had intelligent
   quotient or developmental quotient scores of 75 or higher. The
   recurrence of clinical seizures was always associated with increases
   in epileptic discharges. We could successfully discontinue pyridoxal
   phosphate administration in four cryptogenic and four symptomatic
   patients who were 1 year, 8 months to 24 years old.
   PMID: 11033281, UI: 20490059
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