(HOME) Subject: toenail infection/iron/

   Infect Immun 2000 Mar;68(3):1724-6
Effects of iron on extracellular and intracellular growth of Penicillium

    Taramelli D, Brambilla S, Sala G, Bruccoleri A, Tognazioli C,
    Riviera-Uzielli L, Boelaert JR
   Istituto di Microbiologia, Universita di Milano, Milan, Italy.
   Killing of intracellular Penicillium marneffei conidia is demonstrated
   in gamma interferon-lipopolysaccharide-activated human THP1 and mouse
   J774 cells. Iron overload significantly reduces the antifungal
   activity of macrophages. Likewise, exogenous iron enhances and iron
   chelators inhibit the extracellular growth of P. marneffei. These
   results suggest that iron availability critically affects immunity to
   and the pathogenicity of P. marneffei.
   PMID: 10678997, UI: 20143796
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Subject: toenail fungus/iron/penicillium

   J Postgrad Med 1994 Apr-Jun;40(2):87-8
Penicillium species causing onychomycosis.

    Ramani R, Ramani A, Shivananda PG
   Dept of Microbiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka.
   Onychomycosis caused by mould infection is rare. A 40 year old male
   patient presented with dystrophic finger nails and multiple,
   erythematous lesions with slightly raised borders and scaling all over
   the body. The patient was a known diabetic. He did not respond to
   griseofulvin. Samples from nails and skin scales were cultured. From
   the nails, Penicillium species and from the skin scales. Trichophyton
   rubrum were isolated. Ketoconazole therapy (200 mg twice daily x 4
   mths) led to complete cure with negative cultures and normalization of
   PMID: 8737561, UI: 96293068
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