   J Rheumatol 1987 Oct;14(5):1058-60
Coexistence of ankylosing spondylitis and diffuse idiopathic skeletal
hyperostosis: another report.

    Olivieri I, Trippi D, Gherardi S, Pasero G
   Rheumatic Disease Unit, University of Pisa, Italy.
   A middle-aged man presented with a 10-year history of intermittent low
   back pain. Radiological examination of the spine disclosed findings of
   both ankylosing spondylitis and diffuse idiopathic skeletal
   hyperostosis (DISH). Radiography of the hands showed the typical
   enthesopathy of DISH. To our knowledge this is the 2nd published case
   on the coexistence of the two diseases.
   PMID: 3501468, UI: 88118655
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Subject: ankylosing spondylitis

   Ann Rheum Dis 1986 Oct;45(10):827-31
Ankylosing spondylitis: a chronic inflammatory disease with iron overload in
granulocytes and platelets.

    Feltelius N, Lindh U, Venge P, Hallgren R
   The cellular stores of iron in granulocytes and platelets isolated
   from 29 patients with ankylosing spondylitis were measured by the
   nuclear microprobe technique. The mean iron content in
   polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) was 32 (SD 3) micrograms/g dry weight
   and in platelets 11 (2.6) micrograms/g dry weight. Corresponding
   values for age and sex matched healthy controls were 5.2 (1.9) and 4.6
   (0.8) micrograms/g (p less than 0.001). Significant correlations were
   found in the patient group between (PMN) iron and the circulating
   levels of transferrin, total iron, and lactoferrin (p less than 0.05).
   PMN iron was not related to serum ferritin. Platelet iron correlated
   with transferrin (p less than 0.01) but not with the other iron
   binding proteins. Significant relationships were also found between
   the PMN iron stores and the inflammatory activity defined by
   erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and the immunoglobulins A and G.
   These data further illustrate the altered iron kinetics in chronic
   inflammatory disease and record the fact that the redistribution of
   iron associated with the inflammatory process also includes
   granulocytes and platelets.
   PMID: 3789818, UI: 87075066