Arq Neuropsiquiatr 1991 Sep;49(3):342-7
Abnormally increased iron concentration in basal ganglia in Shy-Drager
syndrome. MR imaging and autonomic study.
Maciel Junior JA, Da Rocha CM, Cabelho S, Pradal MG
Departamento de Neurologia, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brasil.
Report of an early case of Shy-Drager syndrome in a 67 year-old woman
patient. Autonomic failure was diagnosed by functional evaluation as
well as laboratory tests. MR imaging disclosed a prominent putamina
hypodensity in T2-weighted images at high field strength due to iron
increased depositing in this basal ganglia. MR imaging evidences
confirm Shy-Drager syndrome diagnosis, and contributes for
differential diagnosis of idiopathic hypotension (pure autonomic
failure) in special in SDS early cases.
PMID: 1807238, UI: 92222395
Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) 2000 Jun;46(4):743-60
Iron involvement in neural damage and microgliosis in models of
neurodegenerative diseases.
Shoham S, Youdim MB
Research Department, Herzog Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel.
In several neurodegenerative diseases, iron accumulates at sites of
brain pathology. Since post-mortem examination cannot distinguish
whether iron accumulation caused the damage or resulted from damage,
it is necessary to manipulate iron in animal and tissue culture models
to assess its causal role(s). However, only in models of Parkinson's
disease and of global ischemia, iron deprivation (ID) or
iron-chelators have been used to protect from damage. In these
studies, documentation of microgliosis was not performed even though
several lines of evidence converge to suggest that activation of
microglia is an important source of oxidative stress. In the kainate
model of epilepsy, we found that ID protected the olfactory cortex,
thalamus and hippocampus and attenuated microgliosis, whereas iron
supplementation to ID rats increased damage and microgliosis in the
above regions. In the hilus of the hippocampal dentate gyrus, even
though no cell loss was observed, ID attenuated microgliosis and
iron-supplementation increased it. Thus there is a tight relationship
between iron and microgliosis. In addition, iron+zinc supplementation
dramatically increased damage to hippocampal CA1 whereas zinc
supplementation alone had no effect. This study demonstrates an
anatomically unique interaction of iron and zinc, which may lead to
new insights to neurodegeneration in epilepsy.
Publication Types:
* Review
* Review, academic
PMID: 10875437, UI: 20331692