(HOME) Subject: sclerosis/iron/asbestos
Occup Med (Lond) 1999 Apr;49(3):161-9
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) in two iron ore mines.
Martin JR, Griffin M, Moore E, Lochead JA, Edwards AC, Williams J, Khraishi
Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's,
Canada. john.warren@nf.sympatico.ca
Six males with systemic sclerosis were observed in the work forces of
two iron ore mines. The usual spectrum of clinical features
encountered in systemic sclerosis patients were present. Histologic
examination of pulmonary tissue was performed on three of the cases
and showed features of both silicosis and scleroderma but to different
degrees and stages of development. Exposure to high levels of
silica-containing dusts had occurred in all six cases.
PMID: 10451597, UI: 99380896
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