Subject: pruritis/itch

   J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1999 Oct;14(10):1034-40
Case report: oral antioxidant therapy for the treatment of primary biliary
cirrhosis: a pilot study.

    Watson JP, Jones DE, James OF, Cann PA, Bramble MG
   Centre for Liver Research, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
   BACKGROUND: The symptoms of the chronic cholestatic liver disease
   primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), in particular fatigue and chronic
   pruritus, adversely affect quality of life and respond only poorly to
   treatment. Recent studies have suggested that oxidative stress may
   play a role in tissue damage in cholestatic liver disease and may
   contribute to symptoms, such as fatigue. We have, therefore, examined,
   in an open-label pilot study, the therapeutic effects of antioxidant
   medication on the biochemistry and symptomatology of PBC. METHODS:
   Patients were randomized to 3 months treatment with a compound
   antioxidant vitamin preparation (Bio-Antox), four tablets daily (n =
   11, group 1), or the combination of Bio-Quinone Q10 (100 mg) with
   Bio-Antox (n = 13, group 2). Biochemical and symptomatic responses
   were assessed at 3 months. RESULTS: Significant improvement in both
   pruritus and fatigue was seen in the patients in group 2. Mean itch
   visual analogue score improved from 2.4 +/- 3.0 to 0.4 +/- 0.7 post
   therapy (P < 0.05) while mean night itch severity score improved from
   2.6 +/- 1.9 to 1.3 +/- 0.7 (P < 0.05). Nine of 13 of these patients
   reported less fatigue, while 10/13 showed an improvement in at least
   one domain of their Fisk Fatigue Severity Score. No significant
   improvement in itch and only limited improvement in fatigue were seen
   in the patients in group 1. No change in biochemical parameters was
   seen in either group. CONCLUSIONS: Antioxidant therapy, as a
   combination of Bio-Antox and Bio-Quinone Q10, may improve the pruritus
   and fatigue of PBC. This combination of therapy should be investigated
   further in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
   Publication Types:
     * Clinical trial
     * Randomized controlled trial
   PMID: 10530501, UI: 99458084
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