* IP6
     * | First International Symposium on "DISEASE PREVENTION BY IP6 AND
   Rice Bran is known to contain a large number of active components that
   have long contributed to the maintenance of health for Japanese
   people. In recent years, its health effects have been demonstrated
   scientifically. Natural components extracted from brown rice germ
   reportedly activate cells and enhance immunity. "In vivo (In the body)
   at least, the remarkable affinity of InsP6 for iron totally inhibits
   this metal's ability to catalyze the formation of hydroxyl
   radicals."(See note below)  In other words IP6 grabs a hold of free
   Iron in the system and by a process of Chelation gets rid of it and
   its ability to form free radicals that cause oxidation and aging.
   For a detailed scientific Government Paper from the National Institute
   of Health on IP6 .
   What is IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate)?
   Possesses Broad Range of Bioactivities
    Most abundantly found in rice bran, above all other cereals.
    Long used as safe natural antioxidant in various food products in
    In Japan it is known to remove active oxygen in the body, suppressing
   lipid peroxide production and absorbs excess iron ions, having an
   effect on heart disease, liver dysfunction, dermatitis and other
   pathologic conditions caused thereby.
   In Japan it is known further to prevent kidney stone formation and
   cholesterol deposition.
   In Japan there have  recently been, an increasing number of papers
   available concerning its immunity-enhancing and anticancer actions.
   What is Pure Gamma Oryzanol ?
   Characteristics of Rice Bran
   Approved as  a Pharmaceutical product in Japan
   * In Japan reportedly effective in promoting growth, mitigating
   autonomic imbalance, and stimulating the gonads.
   * Approved in Japan as a pharmaceutical for menopausal syndrome and
   whiplash injury.
   If taken in excess, surplus is excreted in the urine. - Produced under
   rigorous quality control, without synthetic colorant or synthetic
   Rice, with production of half billion ton in the world a year has been
   known as nutritious food. Studies of its health benefits has been
   getting much interests worldwide. Over 500 researchers from all over
   joined together  in 1998 to discuss the potential of rice components
   and stimulated a lot for further research on rice.
Summary of  First International Symposium on:

     * General
     * Beneficial Effects of IP6 and Inositol
     * Cancer
     * Mechanism of Cancer Suppression
     * Heart Disease
     * Kidney Stones
     * Role in Transmission of Chemical Messages
     * Beneficial Effects of Other Rice Components
   Add Some Rice To Your Life
   Advances in Rice-Based Products with Potential Benefits to Health
   By Raxit J. Jariwalla, Ph.D.
   California Institute for Medical Research
   San Jose, California 95128
   The word '"fiber" comes to mind when we think of cereals, whole grains
   and health. However, while fiber is important to our health, it is not
   the sole ingredient endowed with medicinal value. Other constituents
   locked within cereals and grains possess important physiologic and
   pharmacologic properties which are being rapidly uncovered by medical
   research. This is best exemplified in the case of rice and its
   components, which was the focus of an international symposium held
   summer in Kyoto, Japan.
   Rice is an important staple cereal of a large fraction of the world's
   population. It is primarily consumed after processing as polished
   rice. The bran or germ which comprises 10% of whole rice is removed
   during the polishing process. However, rice bran is an important
   source of
   rice oil and other phytochemicals which possess antioxidative and
   disease-fighting properties. Traditionally, rice-bran products have
   applications in agricultural, food and cosmetic industries. Now,
   research has unraveled scientific evidence supporting a role for key
   components of rice in health maintenance and disease prevention.
   Rice-based products drawing much attention of biomedical researchers
   include: myo-inositol (a B vitamin), its phosphate-derivative inositol
   hexaphosphate (IP6 or phytate), rice-bran oil and polyphenols with
   antioxidant function. IP6 is the major form of phosphorylated inositol
   present in foods, constituting 1-5% by weight of most cereals, nuts,
   oilseeds, legumes and grains. It occurs at 9.5-14.5% by weight in rice
   bran. Antioxidative polyphenols in rice bran include ferulic acid, its
   esterified derivatives (oryzanols), tocopherols and other phenolic
   The first international symposium on "Disease Prevention by IP6 and
   Other Components of Rice" was held last June in Kyoto. About 520
   people convened at this conference devoted to inositol, inositol
   hexaphosphate and other components of rice. Some 20 speakers presented
   papers on topics ranging from chemistry and mechanisms of action to
   anti-cancer effects and other beneficial functions of IP6. About 10
   studies were presented on ferulic acid, rice bran oil and other
   components of rice. In addition, 65 other papers were presented in
   poster sessions as reports of research which complemented above
   From the quality of the information presented, it can be said that
   increased consumption of rice and its products would result in
   health, with reduction in heart disease, renal stones and some forms
   The symposium was sponsored by Tsuno Foods & Rice which, since 1947,
   has been
   developing and improving ways of using rice bran for industrial
   based on rice oil extraction and refinery. In fact, the symposium was
   held at
   the occasion of the company's 50th anniversary. Its purpose was to
   exchange of information and ideas about important developments that
   bearing on disease prevention by rice components with medicinal
   Beneficial Effects of IP6 and Inositol
   The symposium started with a discussion of chemistry and usage of rice
   components. S. Ogawa (Keio University) presented an impressive
   of chemical structures and uses of myo-inositol and its related
   compounds. T. Osawa (Nagoya University) discussed the protective role
   of rice
   antioxidants in oxidative stress and Y. Watanabe (Ehime University,
   reviewed the synthesis of inositol triphosphate and phospholipids.
   A large portion of the symposium was devoted to IP6 and its parent
   molecule, inositol. It is difficult to summarize all the studies
   presented at the conference. This article will touch upon major
   findings of relevance to disease prevention and treatment.
   Let's consider the advances against cancer. A renowned epidemiologist
   reviewed studies linking diet and life style to cancer (S.Sugano,
   Institute, Tokyo). It's been known for sometime that consumption of
   grains, vegetables and fruits is linked to reduced cancer risk. These
   are rich in fiber which has been shown to protect against both colonic
   mammary cancer (reviewed by B.S. Reddy and L. A. Cohen, American
   Foundation, New York). However, as it became apparent at the
   symposium, fiber
   is not the sole anticarcinogen since other substances in
   foods also exert protective influences on cancer. Thus, a
   epidemiologic study carried out in the mid 1980's had shown that foods
   rich in
   phytate (IP6) but poor in fiber, such as cereals and grains,
   correlated better
   with reduced risk of colon cancer than phytate-poor fiber foods such
   as fruits
   and vegetables (Graf and Eaton, Cancer 1985; 56:717-718). IP6 is a
   chelating agent and certain metals are known to promote cancer through
   generationof reactive f (HOME) ree radicals from oxidation of fats. IP6 also
   plays an
   important role in regulating cell proliferation and differentiation.
   In 1988, the first two studies were published, reporting inhibitory
   effects of purified IP6 on tumor formation in experimental animals.
   study (Shamsuddin et al. Carcinogenesis 9:577-80) showed suppression
   cancer of the large bowel by IP6 and theother study (Jariwalla et al.
   Nutr. Res. 8: 813-27) demonstrated reduction of the incidence and size
   of soft-tissue tumors (fibrosarcomas) promoted by dietary factors.
   Since then, a number of experimental studies have confirmed the
   anti-cancer action of IP6 (reviewed by I. Vucenik and A.K.M.
   Shamsuddin, Univ.
   of Maryland, Baltimore). The compound has been shown to inhibit
   rodent and human cancer cell lines in vitro and to protect against
   growth of
   diverse cancers in vivo. Protective effects have been seen against
   cancers of
   the breast, colon, pancreas, liver, skin and connective tissue. In
   not only prevents carcinogen-induced tumor development but it also
   with growth of pre-formed, transplanted tumors, suggesting that it may
   play a
   role in both cancer prevention and treatment.
   The step at which IP6 acts during tumor development varies depending
   upon the type of cancer studied. In colon carcinogenesis, IP6 was
   shown to
   suppress bowel cancer when given before, during and even several
   months after
   carcinogen administration (Shamsuddin and colleagues, Univ. of
   a multi-organ rat carcinogenesis model, IP6 administered (as phytic
   during the promotion stage suppressed hepatic tumors but had no
   influence on
   development of esophagal, colonic, pancreatic, renal and thyroid tumor
   (M. Hirose, National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo). In a
   two-stage model of carcinogenesis in mouse skin, IP6 inhibited tumor
   formation when given during the initiation stage but not during tumor
   promotion, indicating differential sensitivity of skin cancer (T.
   Univ. of Tokyo). Clinical studies in humans against different tumor
   would be useful. Awaiting such studies,
   what can be said presently is that naturally-occurring salt forms of
   appear to be safe in animal studies even when used at higher than
   physiologic dosages.
   The role of myo-inositol as a chemopreventive agent was also
   It is another phytochemical with low toxicity and ability to inhibit
   carcinogenesis in various organs which include mammary gland, colon
   lung. In studies evaluating its chemopreventive activity in lung
   carcinogenesis (L. W. Wattenberg, Univ. of Minneapolis, Minnesota), it
   was reported that myo-inositol has unusual properties, manifesting a
   capacity to prevent lung cancer when given during separate phases of
   carcinogenic process as well as throughout the entire course of the
   When administered throughout the carcinogenic process, it's effects
   were found
   to be additive. Another study reported on suppression of liver cancer
   by oral
   administration of myo-inositol, thus adding to the diverse spectrum of
   affected by this naturally-derived plant constituent (H. Nishino,
   Kyoto Prefectual
   University of Medicine). Myo-inositol has also been reported to
   enhance the
   anti-cancer action of IP6 in other animal studies.
   Mechanism of Cancer Suppression
   The mechanism by which IP6 or myo-inositol exert chemopreventive and
   anti-cancer effects is not completely understood. IP6 is rapidly
   absorbed by cells (in vitro and in vivo) and metabolized to lower
   phosphates and inositol (reviewed by Shamsuddin). It has been
   that lower inositol phosphates may mediate cancer inhibition, although
   direct evidence for this is lacking. Both IP6 and its lower phosphates
   metal chelating activity and may interfere with tumor formation by
   metal catalyzed oxidation of fats. Alternatively, IP6 may block the
   of key enzyme(s) affecting cell proliferation. One enzyme candidate is
   kinase which plays a central role in signal transduction and cell
   transformation triggered by growth factor or tumor promoter. IP6 has
   reported to inhibit PI-3 kinase activity in vitro (Z. Dong, Univ. of
   Minnesota, Austin). While this enzyme inhibition may explain the
   chemopreventive effect of IP6, it is not known whether it mediates
   effect on pre-existing tumors or
   established cancer cells. Other, as yet, unknown mechanism may be
   involved in the anti-cancer effect of IP6.
   Heart Disease
   The ability of IP6 to reduce hyperlipidemia and protect against
   cardiovascular disease (CVD) was also discussed. CVD is associated
   with high
   mortality in Western and other industrialized countries. It is linked
   several risk factors among which is hyperlipidemia -- high levels of
   cholesterol and triglycerides in blood.
   It has been known that consumption of Bengal gram, a bean species rich
   in IP6, is associated with reduced hypercholesterolemia. In one study,
   which directly addressed the role of IP6 in hyperlipidemia, it was
   shown that
   IP6-supplemented diet lowered total cholesterol and triglycerides
   levels in
   serum of animals made hyperlipemic with a high cholesterol diet
   (reviewed by
   R. J. Jariwalla, Calif. Institute for Medical Research, San Jose). The
   study demonstrated that dietary IP6 caused a lowering of the
   ratio, a marker of hypercholesterolemia, without significantly
   levels of other minerals in serum. This lipid-lowering action of IP6
   was seen
   at dosages (upto 9% of the diet) that were free of adverse side
   effects in the
   tested animals.
   Another study reported on the hypolipidemic action of myo-inositol and
   IP6 relevant to treatment of fatty liver (T. Katayama, Hiroshima
   Univ.). At
   physiologic dosages (0.1 -0.5% of diet), these compounds inhibit rises
   hepatic total lipids andtriglycerides resulting from
   administration of sucrose. The mechanism of this hypolipidemic effect
   in the
   liver appears to be related to the inhibition of hepatic enzymes
   involved in
   lipogenesis rather than inhibition of intestinal enzymes. Although
   physiological levels of IP6 depress accumulation of lipids, they have
   effect on elevated serum lipids. Indeed, these dietary treatments
   (upto 2.5%
   IP6) do not produce significant changes in hepatic cholesterol or
   serum total
   lipid levels in sucrose-treated animals, consistent with findings from
   above study showing reduction of serum hyperlipidemia at higher
   levels of dietary IP6.
   IP6 and its derivatives also manifest other benficial effects relevant
   to CVD. In separate reports, IP6 was shown to inhibit platelet
   aggregation (I. Vucenik, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore) and to enhance
   inflammatory responses of neutrophils in response to microbial stimuli
   (P. Eggleton, Oxford Univ.). In earlier animal studies, lower inositol
   phosphates have been shown to inhibit calcification in the aorta and
   lipid peroxidation in ischemic kidneys, consistent with a role for
   hydrolysates of IP6 in protecting against hardening of the arteries
   (reviewed by R. J. Jariwalla).
   Kidney Stones
   Epidemiologic studies have shown that renal stones are more prevalent
   developed countries where populations consume diets based on refined
   flour compared to those in developing nations consuming predominantly
   phytate-rich diet. IP6 is naturally present in human urine where
   levels fluctuate between 0.5 to 5.0 mg/liter (F. Grases, Univ. of
   Islands, Spain). Approximately 1-3% of oral doses are excreted in the
   with an associated reduced risk of developing renal stones.
   studies have shown that phytate
   can interfere with formation of calculi (crystals) of calcium oxalate
   and phosphate (reviewed by F. Grases). This has been demonstrated in
   vitro in a system that resembles calculi formation in the kidney as
   well as in
   an animal model of nephrolithiasis where crystal/stone formation and
   calcifications on renal papillary tissue are induced by ethylene
   glycol. In a
   preliminary clinical study of 30 renal stone-formers, ingestion of
   of IP6 was demonstrated to reduce the urinary risk of kidney stone
   Role in Transmission of Chemical Messages
   A portion of the symposium was devoted to the role of IP6 and inositol
   in signal transduction, the pathway for transmission of external
   messages to the interior of cells. Inositol phopholipids present in
   plasma membranes have drawn much attention because of their role as
   intermediaries in transmission of signals elicited by growth factors
   mitogens acting at the cell surface. Since inositol occurs
   ubiquitously in
   cell membranes in conjugation with lipids as phosphatidylinositol, it
   plays a
   critical role in this process. Additionally, IP6 is the only known
   source of inositol phospholipids. During cell stimulation, these
   are converted by special enzymes (PI kinases and phospholipase C) to
   triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol which act as second messengers
   cells (reviewed by G. Weber, Univ. of Indiana, Indianapolis). IP3 also
   a role in cell-to-cell communication and can be generated from IP6 via
   salvage pathway.
   In one report (by G. Weber), the activity of signal-transduction
   enzymes and
   concentration of IP3 were reported to be elevated in several types of
   above those in normal cells. Anti-tumor componds such as genistein and
   quercetin act by inhibiting PI kinases and lowering IP3 concentration
   in tumor
   cells leading to cellular differentiation and death. A nuclear
   inositol-lipid pathway was also described with signal-transduction
   located and acting in the nucleus (L. Cocco, Univ. of Bologna, Italy).
   signalling pathway appears to be important in switching cell
   programming from
   a proliferative to a differentiative state. Finally, it was
   reported that IP6 is the dominant inositol phosphate in
   insulin-secreting cells of the pancreas where it influences secretion
   of the
   hormone by modulating activity of a calcium channel (P.O.
   Institute, Stockholm).
   Beneficial Effects of Other Rice Components
   Much attention was devoted during the latter third of the symposium to
   other components of rice that include rice germ (or bran),
   polyphenols and rice bran oil. Polyphenols from edible plants are a
   source of antioxidative compounds with chemopreventive activity
   Osaka City Univ.).There was much discussion of ferulic acid (from rice
   and its esterified derivatives, gamma-oryzanol and cycloartenyl
   Ferulic acid is a ubiquitous polyphenol that is formed from metabolism
   of two amino acids (phenylalanine and tyrosine), occurring primarily
   the bran fraction of plant seeds (H. Taniguchi, Industrial Technology
   Center of Wakayama Prefecture). Natural ferulic acid is commercially
   extracted and purified from rice bran oil for which a cost-effective
   manufacturing process has been developed by Tsuno Foods. The compound
   has strong antioxidant potential, protecting skin cells from light or
   radiation-induced damage and preserving foods from spoilage due to
   peroxidation. Photoprotection of skin cells has potential utility for
   dermatologic applications. The antioxidative function may also play a
   protective role in inflammatory diseases and other industrial
   applications of
   ferulic acid.
   Evidence was discussed for a chemopreventive role of rice germ,
   acid and its derivatives. In animal studies (presented by G. Mori,
   Univ.) rice germ showed a chemopreventive effect in large bowel
   carcinogenesis. Ferulic acid inhibits liver carcinogenesis and was
   shown to
   reduce development of oral lesions induced by chemical carcinogen (G.
   EGMP, a synthetic derivative of ferulic acid has a modifying effect on
   colon carcinogenesis (H. Tsuda, National Cancer Center Research
   Tokyo). Other ferulate derivatives prevented and dissolved platelet
   aggregation related to thrombosis (H. Kayahara, Shinshu Univ.). An
   ester of
   DL-alpha tocopherol (vitamin E) and ferulic acid prevented facial
   hyperpigmentation by suppressing melanogenesis induced by UV light (M.
   Ichihashi, Kobe Univ.).
   Several papers were devoted to the benefits of rice bran oil (reviewed
   by M. Sugano, Kumamoto Univ.). Known as a healthy oil, it is rich in
   polyunsaturated fatty acids, lowers blood lipid levels and has a role
   preventing hardening of the arteries. In animals fed a high-fat and
   cholesterol diet, rice bran oil suppressed the development of
   hyper-cholesterolemia and lowered the atherogenic index. In
   combination with
   safflower oil (7 parts to 3), it exhibits a blending effect, yielding
   reduction of serum cholesterol than either oil alone. This effect
   appears to
   be due to a unique balance of individual fatty acids and the presence
   non-fatty acid components.
   Rice bran oil is rich in non-saponifiable matters such as steryl
   ferulates which have growth-promoting vitamin like activity. They
   consist of a mixture of ferulic acid esters called oryzanols, of which
   gamma-oryzanol is the best characterized and studied (H. Naruse,
   Kyokuto International Co., Ltd., Tokyo). It is used commercially in
   Japan as
   a food and as a medical antioxidant in combination with
   (vitamin E). It protects rice bran oil from oxidation and inhibits
   peroxidation of lipids mediated by iron or UV irradiation. Its
   alcohol components, cycloartenyl and 24-methylene-cycloartenyl
   ferulates are
   effective in the treatment of arteriosclerosis. Cycloartenol magnified
   effect of plant sterols and in combination with beta-sitosterol
   produced an
   increased lowering of plasma and liver cholesterol (M. Sugano). In the
   two-stage carcinogenesis model in mouse skin, cycloartenol ferulate
   tumor promotion, indicating also a role in the chemoprevention of
   (K.Yasukawa et al., Nihon Univ.).
   The future looks very promising for rice-based constituents as a
   of functional foods as new components with beneficial health functions
   are isolated and identified. The impression that participants derived
   after a two-day exposure to rice science was that everyone should
   increase their consumption of rice or rice bran, a rich source of
   phytochemicals with striking medicinal properties.