The role of phytic acid in legumes: antinutrient or beneficial
J Physiol Biochem 2000 Sep;56(3):283-94
Urbano G. Lopez-Jurado M. Aranda P. Vidal-Valverde C. Tenorio E.
Porres J.
This review describes the present state of knowledge about phytic acid
(phytate), which is often present in legume seeds. The antinutritional
effects of phytic acid primarily relate to the strong chelating
associated with its six reactive phosphate groups. Its ability to
complex with proteins and particularly with minerals has been a
subject of investigation from chemical and nutritional viewpoints. The
hydrolysis of phytate into inositol and phosphates or phosphoric acid
occurs as a result of phytase or nonenzymatic cleavage. Enzymes
capable of hydrolysing phytates are widely distributed in
micro-organisms, plants and animals. Phytases act in a stepwise manner
to catalyse the hydrolysis of phytic acid. To reduce or eliminate the
chelating ability of phytate, dephosphorylation of hexa- and
penta-phosphate forms is essential since a high degree of
phosphorylation is necessary to bind minerals. There are several
methods of decreasing the inhibitory effect of phytic acid on mineral
absorption (cooking, germination, fermentation, soaking, autolysis).
Nevertheless, inositol hexaphosphate is receiving increased attention
owing to its role in cancer prevention and/or therapy and its
hypocholesterolaemic effect.
Dietary factors influencing zinc absorption.
J Nutr 2000 May;130(5S Suppl):1378S-83S
Lonnerdal B. Iino M. Shears SB. Woodcock EA. Arthur JF. Matkovich SJ.
Urbano G. Lopez-Jurado M. Aranda P. Vidal-Valverde C. Tenorio E.
Porres J.
Marginal zinc deficiency and suboptimal zinc status have been
recognized in many groups of the population in both less developed and
industrialized countries. Although the cause in some cases may be
inadequate dietary intake of zinc, inhibitors of zinc absorption are
most likely the most common causative factor. Phytate, which is
present in staple foods like cereals, corn and rice, has a strong
negative effect on zinc absorption from composite meals. Inositol
hexaphosphates and pentaphosphates are the phytate forms that exert
these negative effects, whereas the lower phosphates have no or little
effect on zinc absorption. The removal or reduction of phytate by
enzyme (phytase) treatment, precipitation methods, germination,
fermentation or plant breeding/genetic engineering markedly improves
zinc absorption. Iron can have a negative effect on zinc absorption,
if given together in a supplement, whereas no effect is observed when
the same amounts are present in a meal as fortificants. Cadmium, which
is increasing in the environment, also inhibits zinc absorption. The
amount of protein in a meal has a positive effect on zinc absorption,
but individual proteins may act differently; e.g., casein has a modest
inhibitory effect of zinc absorption compared with other protein
sources. Amino acids, such as histidine and methionine, and other
low-molecular-weight ions, such as EDTA and organic acids (e.g.,
citrate), are known to have a positive effect on zinc absorption and
have been used for zinc supplements. Knowledge about dietary factors
that inhibit zinc absorption and about ways to overcome or remove
these factors is essential when designing strategies to improve the
zinc nutrition of vulnerable groups.