(HOME) Subject: iron/pancreas
Exp Mol Pathol 1997 Apr;64(2):90-102
Iron overload in the rat pancreas following portacaval shunting and dietary
iron supplementation.
Horne WI, Tandler B, Dubick MA, Niemela O, Brittenham GM, Tsukamoto H
Department of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, MetroHealth
Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44109, USA.
Reproduction of pancreatic iron overload in an animal model has been
difficult to achieve primarily because of the first-pass extraction of
iron by the liver. We hypothesized that portacaval shunting would
avoid this hepatic phenomenon and increase pancreatic iron deposition.
An end-to-side portacaval shunt was surgically created in male
Sprague-Dawley rats, and they were subsequently fed a carbonyl
iron-supplemented diet for 17 weeks. This resulted in marked iron
accumulation in the pancreas (1621 +/- 188 micrograms/g) compared to
minimal deposition in sham-operated rats fed the same diet (138 +/- 53
micrograms/g). Iron deposition in the acinar and centroacinar cells
was confirmed histologically by Gomori staining, as well as by
ultrastructural examination. Iron overloading was associated with
enhanced oxidative stress evidenced by a twofold increase in the
levels of glutathione disulfide and thiobarbituric acid-reactive
substances. Also, adducts of proteins with malondialdehyde and
4-hydroxynonenal were demonstrated in acinar and ductal cells. Other
apparent consequences of iron overload were a 50% reduction in
pancreatic amylase content and a decrease in pancreatic protein
concentration. These hypotrophic changes were associated with a
reduced mass of zymogen granules in the acinar cells noted
histologically. Our results show that a combination of portacaval
shunting and carbonyl iron feeding achieve pancreatic iron overload
and support the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of
iron-induced damage in the pancreas.
PMID: 9316587, UI: 97462317
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