   IUBMB Life 2001 Feb;51(2):105-9
Antioxidants in the treatment of Graves disease.

    Guerra LN, Moiguer S, Karner M, de Molina MC, Sreider CM, Burdman JA
   Endocrinology Unit, Hospital Israelita Ezrah, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
   [Medline record in process]
   An antioxidant mixture (LAROTABE) was evaluated in the treatment of
   Graves disease. Fifty-six hyperthyroid patients were treated with
   methimazol (MMI) (A), LAROTABE (B), or MMI plus LAROTABE (C).
   According to a clinical score, improvement was obtained at 8 weeks in
   A and 4 weeks in B and C. Group A diminished their thyroid hormone
   concentration to normal levels, while patients with LAROTABE did not
   reduce T3 and T4 unless MMI was introduced. Hyperthyroid patients had
   increased malondialdehyde (MDA) content and SOD activity and decreased
   catalase activity compared to controls. Within group A, MDA decreased
   to control values while SOD was reduced 38.3% and catalase increased
   21.6%. Similar results were obtained for MDA and for both enzymes
   after treatment with LAROTABE. Signs and symptoms of Graves disease
   might be related to an increase in free radicals; antioxidants could
   be a new therapeutic tool to improve the clinical manifestation of
   this illness.
   PMID: 11463161, UI: 21355441
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