Subject: iron/epilepsy 

   J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001 Apr;70(4):551-3
Iron overload without the C282Y mutation in patients with epilepsy.

    Ikeda M
   Department of Clinical Research, National Saigata Hospital,
   Ohgata-machi, Niigata 949-3193, Japan
   [Medline record in process]
   To test the hypothesis that iron overload predisposes to epilepsy,
   transferrin saturation in 130 patients with epilepsy and sex and age
   matched 128 control subjects without epilepsy were studied. Mean
   transferrin saturation was significantly higher in the epilepsy group
   (39.9 (SD 19.6)%) than in the control group (29.1 (SD 14.9)%).
   Abnormally high transferrin saturations (men>60%, women>48%) were
   found in 10 patients with epilepsy but in only one subject without
   epilepsy. Antiepileptic drugs did not affect the transferrin
   saturation. Of the 11 with abnormally high transferrin saturation, two
   with epilepsy were heterozygotic for H63D in the haemochromatosis gene
   but no patient had the C282Y mutation. These results indicate that
   iron overload other than the C282Y mutation underlies epilepsy.
   PMID: 11254788, UI: 21154196
     Iron overload without the C282Y mutation in patients with epilepsy
                           Masayuki Ikeda*, M.D.
   *Department of Clinical Research, National Saigata Hospital
   Ohgata-machi, Niigata 949-3193, JAPAN
   Correspondence to: Dr. Masayuki Ikeda
   Department of Clinical Research, National Saigata Hospital,
   Ohgata-machi, Niigata 949-3193, JAPAN, Phone +81-255-34-3131, Fax
   +81-255-34-6734 (e-mail:
   To test the hypothesis that iron overload predisposes to epilepsy, I
   studied transferrin saturation in 130 patients with epilepsy and sex-
   and age-matched 128 control subjects without epilepsy. I found that
   transferrin saturation was significantly higher in the epilepsy group
   (39.9±19.6 %: mean ± SD) than in the control group (29.1±14.9 %).
   Abnormally high transferrin saturations (men: > 60%, women: >50%) were
   found in 10 patients with epilepsy but in only one subject without
   epilepsy. Antiepileptic drugs did not affect the transferrin
   saturation. Of the 11 with abnormally high transferrin saturation, two
   with epilepsy were heterozygotic for H63D in the haemochromatosis gene
   but no patient had the C282Y mutation. These results indicate that
   iron overload other than the C282Y mutation underlies epilepsy.
   Keywords: Epilepsy, Haemochromatosis, Iron Overload
   Iron accumulation results in the formation of free radicals and
   subsequent brain injury.[1] Neurological diseases associated with iron
   overload vary: asymptomatic deposition of iron in the basal
   ganglia,[2] psychiatric diseases,[3] mental retardation,[4]
   parkinsonism,[5][6] dementia, ataxia and myoclonic jerks.[7] Siderosis
   in the brain is associated with epilepsy.[8][9] Animal studies suggest
   that iron accumulation may underlie the pathophysiology of
   The aim of my study was to test the iron metabolism of epileptic
   patients. I measured transferrin saturation as an index of iron
   overload in patients with epilepsy and age- and sex-matched control
   subjects. In patients with high transferrin saturations, I also
   examined mutations in the haemochromatosis gene (HFE ).
   Patients and Methods
   I studied 258 subjects, 130 patients with epilepsy (63 men, 67 women,
   aged 38.7 ± 10.3 years: mean ± SD) and 128 sex- and age-matched (63
   men, 65 women, aged 40.8 ± 10.3 years) control subjects without
   epilepsy. I excluded subjects with pica, those receiving
   iron-containing drugs, blood transfusions or alcohol. None of the
   subjects studied got haematologic diseases or active liver diseases.
   All subjects, whether epileptic or not, were mentally retarded and
   cared for by the nursing staff of Ranzan Institute in Saitama, Japan.
   All of them could eat and did not receive forced nutrition. Although I
   did not make a quantitative comparison, I found no obvious difference
   between the two groups in daily activities.
   Measurement of serum iron, transferrin and ferritin
   Serum samples after an overnight fast were obtained from each subject.
   I measured serum iron by standard spectrophotometry. Serum transferrin
   levels were determined by rate immunoturbidimetry on an automated
   analyser (model TBA-20FR, Toshiba Medical, Tokyo, Japan). Serum
   ferritin levels were measured by chemiluminescence immunoassay (Eiken
   Chemical Co.,Ltd., Tokyo) in patients with high transferrin saturation
   (men: > 60%, women: >50%).
   Identification of the C282Y and H63D mutations in HFE
   I also examined HFE mutations in 11 patients with abnormally high
   transferrin saturation. The mutation study was approved by the ethics
   committee at Ranzan institute. Since the subjects could not understand
   the explanation of the study due to mental retardation, I obtained
   written informed consent from their parents or legal guardians.
   HFE contains two common missense mutations.[12] One mutation (guanine
   to adenine at nucleotide 845) in HFE results in the substitution of
   tyrosine for cysteine at amino acid 282 and is termed the C282Y
   mutation. The other mutation (cytosine to guanine at nucleotide 187)
   in HFE results in the substitution of aspartate for histidine at amino
   acid 63 and is termed the H63D mutation.
   PCR amplification of the regions containing the missense mutations was
   performed with the primer sequences of Feder et al..[12] The C282Y and
   the H63D mutations were identified with allele-specific
   oligonucleotide hybridisation.[13]
   Ethical considerations
   After detailed explanations of the study, written informed consent was
   obtained from the family or legal guardian of each patient. I
   performed this study after the approval by the committee for human
   investigations of Ranzan Institute.
   Statistical analysis
   All values are presented as means ± SD. Differences between means were
   analysed by a two-tailed StudentÕs t-test or Mann-WhitneyÕs U-test.
   The serum iron was significantly higher ( P < 0.01 ) in the epilepsy
   group (106 ± 8 µg/dL) than in the control group (88 ± 8 µg/dL) while
   the unsaturated iron binding capacity was significantly lower ( P <
   0.01 ) in the epilepsy group (173±78 µg/dL) than in the control group
   (228 ± 76 µg/dL). Thus, the transferrin saturation was significantly
   higher ( P < 0.01 ) in the epilepsy group (39.9±19.6 %) than in the
   control group (29.1±14.9 %). On the assumption that some
   antiepileptics may affect iron metabolism, I compared the degrees of
   transferrin saturation in the subgroups within the epilepsy group
   according to the prescribed drugs (Table 1). There was no significant
   difference in transferrin saturation between the subjects who were
   taking one of the four antiepileptic drugs and those who were not.
   Table 2 shows that an abnormal increase in transferrin saturation
   (men: > 60%, women: >50%) was found in 11 patients (5 men and 6 women)
   consisting of 10 patients with epilepsy and only one in the control
   group. I found no cause of secondary iron overload in these patients.
   Serum ferritin was not increased in any of them. Among the 11
   patients, two were heterozygous for H63D. Both of them were epileptic.
   No C282Y mutation was found in any of the 11 patients with abnormally
   high transferrin saturations.
   I found that the transferrin saturation was significantly higher in
   patients with epilepsy than in those without epilepsy. Moreover,
   abnormally high transferrin saturations were found in 10 patients in
   the epilepsy group but only in one in the control group. These data
   indicate iron overloa(HOME) d in the patients with epilepsy. Factors which
   cause secondary iron overload, including diet, blood transfusions,
   alcohol, liver injury and haematologic diseases, were ruled out.
   Antiepileptic drugs cannot explain the iron overload in epileptic
   patients, either. Since phenytoin is an iron-chelator,[14] it would
   reduce iron load rather than increase it. Previous studies on rats and
   mice showed that administration of phenytoin, phenobarbital or
   primidone does not change the iron concentration in the serum or
   brain.[15][16] My data, showing that none of the antiepileptics
   affected the transferrin saturation, also provide evidence that the
   higher transferrin saturation in the epilepsy group is not due to
   I then studied mutations in HFE because haemochromatosis is the most
   common disease of primary iron overload. I found two patients
   hetetozygotic for the H63D mutation, but no patient with the C282Y
   mutation. Haemochromatosis is thought to be uncommon in Japanese,[17]
   but the frequency is unknown. Merryweather-Clarke and others [18]
   reported that the C282Y mutation was most frequent in northern
   European populations and absent from 484 Asian chromosomes. The
   positive predictive value of the transferrin saturation test, i. e. ,
   the possibility that a patient with a positive result actually has
   haemochromatosis, is unknown in Japanese.
   I do not assume that heterozygosity for H63D affects iron metabolism
   in epileptic patients, because its high frequency in control
   populations, ranging from 16 to 23%,[19] makes the heterozygosity for
   H63D unlikely to be pathogenic. H63D is probably deleterious only in
   compound heterozygotes (heterozygous for both C282Y and H63D).[20] To
   determine the cause of iron overload in patients with epilepsy, I
   continue to look at other genes regulating iron metabolism in these
   I acknowledge the invaluable co-operation of Professor Ernest Beutler
   in HFE mutation analysis. I am grateful to Drs Akiko Takaki, Shunji
   Takaki and Kenji Kuroda at Ranzan Institute for obtaining the informed
   consent of the patients and to Dr Toshiyuki Himi at Tokyo Medical and
   Dental University for the DNA extraction.
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    (HOME)  _________________________________________________________________

   Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) 2000 Jun;46(4):743-60
Iron involvement in neural damage and microgliosis in models of
neurodegenerative diseases.

    Shoham S, Youdim MB
   Research Department, Herzog Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel.
   In several neurodegenerative diseases, iron accumulates at sites of
   brain pathology. Since post-mortem examination cannot distinguish
   whether iron accumulation caused the damage or resulted from damage,
   it is necessary to manipulate iron in animal and tissue culture models
   to assess its causal role(s). However, only in models of Parkinson's
   disease and of global ischemia, iron deprivation (ID) or
   iron-chelators have been used to protect from damage. In these
   studies, documentation of microgliosis was not performed even though
   several lines of evidence converge to suggest that activation of
   microglia is an important source of oxidative stress. In the kainate
   model of epilepsy, we found that ID protected the olfactory cortex,
   thalamus and hippocampus and attenuated microgliosis, whereas iron
   supplementation to ID rats increased damage and microgliosis in the
   above regions. In the hilus of the hippocampal dentate gyrus, even
   though no cell loss was observed, ID attenuated microgliosis and
   iron-supplementation increased it. Thus there is a tight relationship
   between iron and microgliosis. In addition, iron+zinc supplementation
   dramatically increased damage to hippocampal CA1 whereas zinc
   supplementation alone had no effect. This study demonstrates an
   anatomically unique interaction of iron and zinc, which may lead to
   new insights to neurodegeneration in epilepsy.
   Publication Types:
     * Review
     * Review, academic
   PMID: 10875437, UI: 20331692