Subject: endometriosis

   Gynecol Obstet Invest 1998;46(1):58-60
Chemical assay of iron in ovarian cysts: a new diagnostic method to evaluate
endometriotic cysts.

    Iizuka M, Igarashi M, Abe Y, Ibuki Y, Koyasu Y, Ikuma K
   Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gunma University School of
   Medicine, Maebashi, Japan.
   CA-125 is abundantly secreted from ovarian endometriotic cysts, but is
   not specific to endometriosis. In order to develop a new, more
   specific diagnostic marker for endometriosis, the iron concentrations
   in various ovarian cysts were assayed. The ovarian cysts were
   punctured and the contents aspirated laparoscopically,
   laparotomically, or transvaginally. The iron concentration in the
   ovarian cystic fluid was assayed using a spectrophotometer after
   protein precipitations and chromogen treatment. The iron
   concentrations in ovarian cysts were 69.5+/-10.4 micromol/l in serous
   cystadenomas, 73.5+/-29.3 in mucinous cystadenomas, 65.4+/-12.4 in
   dermoid cysts, and 92.5+/-18.2 micromol/l in adenocarcinomas. On the
   other hand, high iron concentrations were demonstrated in
   endometriotic cysts (1,749.6+/-41.5 micromol/l), a lutein cyst
   (1,393.8), hemorrhagic corpus luteum (1,957.5) and endometrioid
   adenocarcinomas (1,860.9+/-157.9 micromol/l). Cytological smear tests
   of the contents as well as histological examination allowed
   differential diagnosis between endometriosis and endometrioid
   adenocarcinoma. In conclusion, assay of the ovarian cystic iron
   concentration is a useful diagnostic tool for the evaluation of
   ovarian endometriotic cysts.

Subject: endometriosis

   Ultrastruct Pathol 1997 May-Jun;21(3):273-80
The lipofuscin-iron association in pigmentosis tubae.

    Munichor M, Kerner H, Cohen H, Iancu TC
   Department of Pathology, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel.
   Pigmentosis tubae (PT) is a rare condition characterized by the
   presence of numerous lipofuscin-laden macrophages in the lamina
   propria of the fallopian tube. Two women, who also had endometriotic
   ovarian cysts, showed polypoid pigmented tubal mucosae. In addition to
   lipofuscin, occasional cells showed spotty positivity for iron.
   Ultrastructural examination of the tubal mucosa showed the
   lipofuscin-containing bodies, which were similar to
   lipofuscin-containing lysosomes found in other pigmented conditions.
   Cytoplasmatic ferritin and hemosiderin in siderosomes were observed in
   macrophages and endothelial cells of the lamina propria. The present
   study is the first to demonstrate the presence of iron-containing
   particles and lipofuscin in the residual bodies of PT. The origin of
   the excess iron is not clear, but erythrophagocytosis and an abnormal
   tubal environment could play a role. Iron-promoted lipid peroxidation
   may alter the lysosomal membranes and contribute to the excessive
   accumulation of lipofuscin in these cells.
     * Comment in: Ultrastruct Pathol 1997 Nov-Dec;21(6):605
     __________(HOME) _______________________________________________________

Subject: endometriosis

   Fertil Steril 1995 Jul;64(1):62-4
De novo formation of adhesions in endometriosis: the role of iron and free
radical reactions.

    Arumugam K, Yip YC
   Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Malaya, Kuala
   Lumpur, Malaysia.
   OBJECTIVE: To show that raised iron levels in the peritoneal fluid
   (PF) of patients with endometriosis catalyze free radical reactions
   that results in the tissue destruction and fibrosis seen in these
   patients. DESIGN: A case-controlled study of the iron levels
   (microgram/mL) in the pelvic PF of 12 patients with moderate-to-severe
   disease, 15 patients with minimal-to-mild disease and in 17 women with
   normal pelvises were compared. As an index of free radical reactions
   through lipid peroxidation, the levels of malondialdehyde levels
   (ng/mL) were assessed simultaneously in the same specimens. RESULTS:
   Controlling for the phase of the menstrual cycle, significantly higher
   levels of iron were seen in patients with endometriosis, the levels
   being correlated with the severity of the disease. However no such
   corresponding relationship was seen in the malondialdehyde levels in
   the PF. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that raised iron levels in
   the PF do not play a role in catalyzing free radical reactions as
   judged by the degree of lipid peroxidation.

Subject: fibroid/ferritin

   Chung Hua Fu Chan Ko Tsa Chih 1991 Jan;26(1):21-3, 61
[Evaluation of serum ferritin in female genital neoplasms].

   [Article in Chinese]
    Dong MY
   Obstetric and Gynecologic Hospital, Zhejiang Medical University,
   Serum ferritin concentrations of 50 normal women and 90 patients with
   neoplasms of female genital tract were determined by radioimmunoassay.
   The mean value of serum ferritin in 23 cases of ovarian carcinoma was
   402.04 micrograms/L, significantly higher than that of normal subjects
   and patients with benign genital neoplasms. Serum ferritin levels in
   patients with endometrial carcinoma, endometrial stromal sarcoma, and
   benign genital neoplasms were significantly higher than that of the
   normal subjects. There was a positive correlation between the serum
   ferritin level and the clinical stage of ovarian carcinoma. The serum
   ferritin determination is useful in the diagnosis, differential
   diagnosis and prognosis of ovarian cancers.
   PMID: 1848498, UI: 91168663