J Paediatr Child Health 1995 Jun;31(3):249-52
Neonatal haemochromatosis associated with Down syndrome.
Cheung PC, Ng WF, Chan AK
Department of Paediatrics, Caritas Medical Centre, Shamshuipo,
Kowloon, Hong Kong.
METHODOLOGY: The clinical course of a child with neonatal
haemochromatosis associated with Down syndrome is described, using
case notes and post-mortem examination. RESULTS: The patient died of
liver failure on day 36. Post-mortem examination showed siderosis of
liver, pancreas, heart, kidney and thyroid. CONCLUSIONS: Neonatal
haemochromatosis is a rare paediatric disease, the aetiology of which
is unknown. Evidence suggests a disorder of fetoplacental iron
handling with implications for recurrence in future pregnancies.
PMID: 7669389, UI: 95398993
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