(HOME) Subject: athletes foot/lactoferrin
Mycoses 2000;43(5):197-202
Oral administration of bovine lactoferrin for treatment of tinea pedis. A
placebo-controlled, double-blind study.
Yamauchi K, Hiruma M, Yamazaki N, Wakabayashi H, Kuwata H, Teraguchi S,
Hayasawa H, Suegara N, Yamaguchi H
Nutritional Science Laboratory, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd,
Kanagawa, Japan.
[Medline record in process]
A clinical study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of
lactoferrin, which is a protein component of cow's milk, in the
treatment of tinea pedis. Doses of either 600 mg or 2000 mg of
lactoferrin, or a placebo was orally administered daily for 8 weeks to
37 adults who were judged to have mild or moderate tinea pedis.
Dermatological improvement and antifungal efficacy were assessed. In
the analysis of all subjects, dermatological symptoms scores in all
groups decreased but the differences were not statistically
significant comparing the three groups. However, in the analysis
limited to subjects with moderate vesicular or interdigital tinea
pedis, dermatological symptoms scores in the lactoferrin-treated
groups decreased significantly in comparison with the placebo group (P
< 0.05). The organisms isolated were Trichophyton rubrum and
Trichophyton mentagrophytes. A mycological cure was not seen in any of
the subjects. In the 37 subjects there were no adverse events and no
subject withdrew from the study because of an adverse event. These
results suggest that orally administered lactoferrin can improve the
dermatological symptoms in some subjects. The potential usefulness of
lactoferrin as a functional food material for treating tinea pedis was
seen for the first time in this study.
PMID: 10948819, UI: 20404620
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